How Real Estate Agents Can Expand Their Sphere of Influence

Real Estate Agents

If you’re a real estate agent, you know that constantly expanding your sphere of influence is important. The more people who know about you and your services, the more business you will generate. We will discuss some tips for expanding your sphere of influence. We will also provide Keys to consistently staying in contact with the sphere of influence.

What Is a Sphere of Influence?

A sphere of influence is the area around a person or organization that impacts them. For real estate agents, this would be the people who are aware of their services and who they have contact with. 

It’s important to constantly expand your sphere of influence because it directly correlates with the amount of business you will generate. The more people who know about you, the more likely they will use your services. Below are a few ways that you can go about expanding your sphere of influence.

1. Start with Your Existing Sphere of Influence

The first place to start when expanding your sphere of influence is with the people who already know you. These are the easiest people to sell yourself to because they already have established trust. You can start by reaching out to your family and friends and letting them know you’re now a real estate agent.

Ask them if they know anyone thinking of buying or selling a home, and offer your services. You can also reach out to your past clients and let them know that you’re still in the business and would love to help them again.

Finally, don’t forget about your online presence. Make sure that all your social media profiles list that you’re a real estate agent so that anyone who comes across your profile knows what you do.

2. Ask for Referral Posts on Social Media

A great way to expand your sphere of influence is by asking for referrals from social media to grow your following. Start by creating a post explaining that you’re a real estate agent and that you’re looking to expand your sphere of influence. 

Then, ask your followers if they know anyone thinking of buying or selling a home. You can also offer a referral fee to anyone who sends your business. This will incentivize people to help you out and could result in new leads. 

Don’t forget to follow up with everyone who sends you a referral so that you can thank them properly. This will show that you’re grateful for their help and will make them more likely to refer others to you in the future.

3. Attend Various Networking Events

Another great way to expand your sphere of influence is attending various networking events. There are always events going on that real estate agents can attend, such as open houses, industry conferences, and more.

By attending these events, you’ll be able to meet new people who might be interested in your services. You can also hand out business cards and other marketing materials so that people will have your information handy when they need it.

Make sure to follow up with the people you meet so that you can stay in touch and build a relationship. These relationships could eventually lead to new business opportunities.

4. Find a Neighborhood You Are Interested In

A great way to broaden your sphere of influence is to find a neighborhood you are interested in and send direct mail postcards with market updates or automated home valuations. This will allow you to get your name and face in front of potential clients regularly.

Plus, it’s a great way to stay top of mind when someone is thinking about buying or selling a home. They may not need your services immediately, but when they do, they’ll remember you because you’ve been sending them helpful information.

5. Give Back to The Community

Finally, one of the best ways to expand your sphere of influence is by giving back to the community. This can be done in various ways, such as volunteering, donating to charity, or even being a good neighbor.

People will remember you for your generosity and are more likely to do business with you when they need someone they can trust. Plus, it’s always nice to help out others when you can.

Keys to Consistently Staying in Contact with SOI

1. Set a Schedule and Stick to It

The first key to staying in touch with your sphere of influence is setting a schedule and sticking to it. This will ensure that you consistently reach out and keep in touch with the people who matter most.

Try setting aside time each week to reach out to your sphere of influence. Whether you send them an email, give them a call, or just stop by their house for a quick chat, make sure you’re making an effort to stay in touch.

If you can’t commit to reaching out weekly, try doing it every other week or even once a month. Make sure you’re consistent, so people don’t forget about you.

And if you want to go the extra mile, you can even set up a system where you automatically send out monthly newsletters or market updates. This way, people will always know what’s going on with you and your business.

2. Keep Your Communications Personal

Another key to staying in touch with your sphere of influence is to keep your communications personal. This means avoiding anything that sounds too promotional.

Instead, focus on building relationships and providing value. Send them articles you think they might be interested in, invite them to events, and check-in to see how they’re doing. If you can build a strong relationship with your sphere of influence, they’ll be more likely to do business with you when it comes.

3. Follow Up

Also, ensure you’re following up with the people in your sphere of influence. If you’ve had a meeting or a conversation, follow up with an email or a phone call to thank them for their time.

And if you’ve promised to send them something, make sure you do it. By following up, you’ll show that you’re reliable and care about your relationships.

4. Be Patient

Finally, remember to be patient. Building relationships takes time, so don’t expect results overnight. Just focus on consistently staying in touch and providing value; the rest will take care of itself.


If you want to expand your sphere of influence, you need to be intentional about it. By following the tips above, you’ll be well on building strong relationships with the people who matter most. Remember to be patient and consistent, and you’ll see results in no time.


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